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Maskcreator by XAYAV – Pre-order now

XAYAV Maskcreator

We our proud to announce that the XAYAV Maskcreator will be available next week from FEPshop. We have a limited stock and we are starting Pre-orders today, make sure you get yours.

Why make a mask for your 3D printer? The light from your projector is rarely uniform on DLP Projectors and light sources for LCD printers. To compensate this and obtain uniform print quality your printing software needs a mask.

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DruckWege Type D White – Facts and Reality

DruckWege Typ D Strength test

Type D Resins have been established in the market now for about 10 months. As this time shows, DruckWege resins are a quite young brand amongst many other resin suppliers. We develop our resins with the self-conception for reliable and high quality products. From our data sheets, you will receive the most detailed overview in technical and safety relevant data that we see as a minimum for such products and beyond.

As some of many specifications are fast curing, low shrinkage and low brittleness, we are convinced from our specified mechanical properties, such as hardness and strength. To reach our outlined specs for the resins, we point to adhere to our data sheets where we give best practice guidelines for various light sources, also on post-curing and treatment.

Read the full article here

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New reseller: MonoCure3D

Fepshop-Medium-LogoMonocure 3D Logo Master2.3_preview




We are proud to welcome our first official reseller. From today FEPshop film will be available through MonoCure3D Australia.

Partnering with MonoCure3D makes FEPshop film easier to get for a lot of people worldwide. And that’s our mission ‘deliver High Quality FEP Film at a fair price as fast as possible’

To make it even better, MonoCure3D now offers free shipping when FEP film is purchased together with their resin.

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9W Led UV Bulb (405nm)

9W UV Led cure bulb 405nm

9W LED Replacement Bulbs for your ‘nail cure oven’. These bulbs are much more efficient then 12W CFL’s used in most cure ovens.

  • They light up immediately, like an incandescent bulb
  • Don’t heat up much at all – they stay cool to the touch even after use
  • Last up to five times longer than CFLs
  • Not sensitivity to cold temperatures
  • Do not contain mercury
  • Effective output better then CFL.
